
Creating Moving Miracles

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Creating Moving Miracles

Have you ever stopped to think about what kind of life you really want to have? A few months ago, I realized that I just wasn't happy living in the same place forever, which is why I started thinking carefully about what I needed to do in order to move across the country. I realized that it was going to be a difficult thing to do, but at the same time, I knew that it was important for my well-being. This blog is all about making the right decisions so your moving process won't be a burden. Check out these posts to find out more.

Cleanliness Standards For Self Storage Units

Do you detest filth? Do you have a few pristine linens or perfect portraits that absolutely cannot be stained? Cleanliness is no small feat, and a lack of grubby hands within a storage unit is hardly an immunity against grime. Before placing your valuable in storage, consider a few problem areas and their solutions to keep everything as clean as the day you retired them in a professional facility. Look Beyond The Initial Cleaning Read More 

Putting A Piano In Self Storage: Tips For Keeping It Safe

Placing musical instruments in self storage is a great way to keep them safe and organized while moving or when you are not playing them, but you have to make sure you take a few precautions to prevent any damage. A piano in particular is susceptible to damages when it's being moved, and even subtle temperature changes or slight moisture can take its toll. Here are tips for placing a piano in self storage so it retains its beautiful musical tone for as long as you own it. Read More 

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Protecting Your Stuff During A Commercial Relocation

When you are packing for a big move, you may consider a lot of different worse-case scenario situations, but the good news is that professional movers have you covered. They take responsibility for many of the unpleasant aspects of commercial relocation that you don't want to handle. They often may also safely store items that you won't need for a while. It's still a good idea to safeguard the things that are most valuable to you, especially sentimental items that cannot be replaced. Read More 

Taking The Tech: Five Tips For Moving Servers And Networking Equipment

One of the most stressful elements of moving an office is moving its technology. Not only is technology fragile, but it's also heavy, bulky, and often difficult to move. Here are a few tips to make the job a little easier. 1. Tell Your Moving Service in Advance Your moving service should be apprised that there is technology that is coming with you. In general, technology and fragile goods are kept in an entirely different vehicle or in a different area. Read More