
Creating Moving Miracles

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Creating Moving Miracles

Have you ever stopped to think about what kind of life you really want to have? A few months ago, I realized that I just wasn't happy living in the same place forever, which is why I started thinking carefully about what I needed to do in order to move across the country. I realized that it was going to be a difficult thing to do, but at the same time, I knew that it was important for my well-being. This blog is all about making the right decisions so your moving process won't be a burden. Check out these posts to find out more.

Moving Long Distance? 4 Categories Of Stuff To Painlessly Purge

Most people want to downsize their belongings before long distance moving. This is a smart choice because you save time, energy, space, and money on the move itself. These things really add up when transporting everything you own from city to city or from state to state.  But if you are finding it hard to downsize your stuff, there are a few easy ways to go about it. To get you started, consider ridding yourself of these categories of items that can often be removed without much fuss. Read More 

The Four-Week Packing Plan

When you are moving, ideally you will give yourself plenty of time to pack. If you plan on pre-packing your home, reduce your stress by starting your packing process one month in advance of your move. This will give you time to properly pack and go through your entire home without feeling stressed for time.   What to Pack Four Weeks In Advance Four weeks before your move, you want to start your packing process. At this stage, you are packing items that you don't use on a regular basis. Read More