The Four-Week Packing Plan
When you are moving, ideally you will give yourself plenty of time to pack. If you plan on pre-packing your home, reduce your stress by starting your packing process one month in advance of your move. This will give you time to properly pack and go through your entire home without feeling stressed for time.
What to Pack Four Weeks In Advance
Four weeks before your move, you want to start your packing process. At this stage, you are packing items that you don't use on a regular basis. First, pack up all out-of-season items, such as holiday decorations you will not be using before your move as well as seasonal clothing. For example, if you are moving in June, you can pack up all your Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas decorations. You can also pack up all your fall and winter clothing. Next, you are going to want to pack up extra items that you don't need right now. For example, you can pack up all the extra blankets and sheets you are not using right now or all the extra towels you don't use every day. Finally, you can pack up collectibles that you have around your home and give it personality but that you don't use it on a daily basis. For example, perhaps you have a collection of puzzles or coins or games; these are items you can pack-up now.
What to Pack Three Weeks Out
At three weeks out, you are going to start packing up special items around your home. These are items that you don't use that often or items that just enhance the visual appeal of your home. For example, you are going to want to pack up all of your artwork and home decorations. With these items, remember to use a lot of bubble wrap, as they tend to be fragile and require more attentive packing. In your kitchen, pack up everything that you don't regularly use to make meals with. This includes things such as special dishes, glass service platters, your waffle maker, and special baking dishes. It can take a lot of time to pack up your kitchen, so try to pack up everything you don't need for daily use.
What to Pack Two Weeks Out
At two weeks out, you want to pack up the remainder of the items in your home that you don't use on a daily basis. For example, if you have kids, it is time to pack up most of their games, puzzles, action figures, and stuffed animals that they don't play with on a regular basis. Keep out about one small box of toys per child for them to play with. If you have a jewelry collection, keep out the everyday items that you know you will wear over the next two weeks, and pack up the rest. Pack up any additional towels or sheets that you kept out. Pack up your library of books and magazines. When it comes time to move, you want to start packing about four weeks in advance. During packing weeks four through two, you want to work on packing up the stuff you don't use on a regular basis and the items that add beauty but not functionality to your home. Then, when it comes to one week out, you can start packing up the everyday items you use, packing up your kitchen, clothing, bathroom items, and finally, the big stuff, like your furniture and appliances the day before the move.
For more information or if you think that you might need help moving, reach out to a company like Kaster Moving Co Inc.